Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 225

Chapter 225


Her father, a journalist, had stood confidently before countless viewers, and she could do the same.

Dont worry. Ill be with you, Tyrone reassured her, holding her hand, reminiscent of a father bird concerned about his fledglings first flight. 

The live streaming of the press conference was scheduled for 3 p.m. on September 5th.

They had two rehearsals planned for the morning.

Bright and early, Sabrina made it to the venue, she conferred with the staff, ensuring all preparations were accurate and foolproof.

Additionally, she considered contingency plans for any mishaps.

Ms. Chavez, Ms. Clifford is over there. An assistant approached Sabrina.

Looking over at Galilea, positioned near the door, Sabrina instructed, She needs to rehearse.

Just then, Galilea approached Sabrina, extending a paper bag. Sabrina, I brought you a cupcake from Afternoon Time. Got it while passing Maplefield Square.

Taken aback, Sabrina looked at the bag. She thought that Galilea was deliberately trying to provoke her.

Youre also a fan of their cakes. I couldnt possibly take it.

Its a gift for you, Galilea retorted.

Ignoring her, Sabrina turned to her assistant. Take her to rehearse.

The studio was teeming with people and other staff members. It was unfitting for Galilea to persist. She left Sabrina with one last remark. Sabrina, remember to eat the cupcake.

As Galilea was led away for rehearsal by Sabrinas assistant, she noticed Tyrone entering the studio. Waving to grab his attention, she called, Over here, Tyrone.

Spotting them, Tyrone ambled over casually, throwing them a glance.

What were you two discussing?


I got Sabrina her favorite cupcake on my way here.

After a quick glance at Sabrina, Galilea bit her lip and said, Sabrina, its just a gift. If its not to your liking, you neednt accept it.

Casting his eyes on the bag in Sabrinas hand, Tyrone quipped, Keep it. Its just cupcake. A small gesture from Galilea.

Galilea turned her gaze to Sabrina, anticipation in her eyes.

Galilea had already brought enough discomfort to Sabrina.

